Don Clugston
May 23rd @ 10:00 AM
Duration: 50 minutes
Talk type: Presentation
Level: Intermediate
Video: [youtube] [alternative]
Abstract: "Big Data" applications, which process petabytes of data per year, are computationally demanding, yet they have different requirements from traditional performance-critical applications. A programming language which is well suited for CPU-bound code, isn't necessarily ideal for real-time Big Data.
At Sociomantic Labs, we consume a deluge of real time data every day using an all-D technology stack. This talk will explain how our use of D has been successful in our intensely competitive industry. Unfortunately, most existing D libraries were not designed for Big Data applications. I'll discuss the performance killers they contain, and propose some changes to make D the natural choice for Big Data tasks.
Benefits: In one sentence: D should consider Big Data as one of its key markets, so we should be ruthless about memory inefficiency.
Speaker Bio: Don is a Senior Software Developer at Sociomantic Labs, Berlin. He has contributed to the D language since 2005, mainly in the areas of mathematics and metaprogramming. Before joining Sociomantic as a full-time D programmer, he worked in the solar photovoltaic industry on numerical modelling, measurement, and industrial inkjet. His 'FastDelegate' library is well known in the C++ community. He has two sons, and a daughter with superpowers.