D Everywhere!

Kai Nacke
May 4 @ 3:30 PM

Duration: 50 minutes
Talk type: Presentation
Level: Intermediate
Slides: PDF

Abstract:  Using LLVM as backend enables LDC to target many CPU architectures, ranging from ARM and MIPS based embedded systems and smartphones over server systems based on POWER and Sparc up to the "big iron" z System. D everywhere seems possible!

Having code generation for a target, the real work is getting druntime and Phobos support right. This talk highlights the areas which always needs tweaking, which are difficult to get right and which surprises you may encounter along the way.

As the frontend of the compiler is now written in D and thus requiring a D compiler, this talk also discusses the strategies the LDC team employs to bootstrap the compiler code itself to a new platform.

Given the many available LLVM targets this talk inspires the audience to bring D to their favorite platform!

Speaker Bio: Kai Nacke is a professional IT architect. In his spare time he likes to develop open source applications. He is the current maintainer of LDC, the LLVM-based D compiler, and a committer of the LLVM project. His contributions to LDC include ports to different CPU architectures and operating systems.

Besides programming he is also the auther of "D Web Development" and a speaker at the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting (FOSDEM).

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Starkes Catering

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