Things that Matter

Scott Meyers
May 5 @ 10:00

Duration: 50 minutes
Talk type: Keynote
Level: All
Slides: PPTX


In the 45+ years since Scott Meyers wrote his first program, he’s played many roles: programmer, user, educator, researcher, consultant. Different roles beget different perspectives on software development, and so many perspectives over so much time have led Scott to strong views about the things that really matter. In this presentation, he’ll share what he believes is especially important in software and software development, and he’ll try to convince you to embrace the same ideas he does.

Speaker Bio:

Scott Meyers started programming in 1971, and he started teaching programming in 1972. He’s best known for his Effective C++ books, but he’s also worked on constraint expression for programming languages, program representations in development environments, software simulations of bacteriophage lambda, general principles for improving software quality, and the effective presentation of technical information. In 2009, he received the Dr. Dobb’s Excellence in Programming Award, and in 2014, an online poll likened his hair style to that of the cartoon character, He-Man.
